Humanities Case Study 2023

In 2023, OxCo trained the Faculty of History at the University of Oxford.

Over 6 months, we covered a wide range of topics, from scriptwriting and storytelling, voiceovers, animation, stock footage, filming and interview techniques, editing, copyright, creative commons, and dissemination strategies. The training also incorporated peer-to-peer feedback sessions, as well as hands-on support from an expert team of video editors, directors and producers. The training was offered in partnership with Adobe, who provided participants with free licenses to the Creative Cloud: a suite of videographic softwares to enable the academics to bring their research to life.

The final showcase was held at St Luke’s Chapel, in the Radcliffe Observatory, in October 2023. Below you can find a selection of some of the participant videos, including a short message from Professor Ian McBride. 

Based on the success of this first edition, the training has been scaled up to be offered to all the faculties within the Humanities Division in 2023-24 – stay tuned for updates!