
Inspire your students with engaging e-classes

 With academic life becoming hybrid, scholars must develop new ways of teaching and engaging students. Video tools are becoming essential to achieving these goals. And yet, academics often do not have the technical skills to produce high-quality video content.[1]  

Recording, editing, and uploading e-lectures has become a core part of teaching duties. However, due partly to a lack of resources, this digital shift has added inordinately to academics’ workload, generated confusion regarding ethical and legal requirements, caused stress among academics, and led to disengagement among students.[2]

 It does not have to be this way. Embracing the digital shift can bring about new opportunities for teaching staff, while significantly improving learning outcomes for students.[3]

OxCo developed resources to enable the creation of high-quality e-lectures, enhancing the experience of both teachers and students. Get in touch to receive step-by-step support to create high-quality e-lectures.



Our unique blend of academic content, networking activities, and interactive social events makes for memorable summer schools.

In conversation with you, we produce short engaging videos that introduce the host and partnering institutions. We can also make short videos that provide a lively introduction to the work of the keynote speakers.

We provide support to organise the lectures, by sharing the expertise we developed to maximise participants’ engagement (through polls, Q&A facilitation, interactive mental maps and other online activities designed to foster collective thinking).

 We provide A to Z support. At registration, we like to include a few questions allowing us to identify attendees’ core research themes, career objectives, and hobbies. We use this information to organise various social activities throughout the summer school – allowing participants to meet as a group on day 1, to enjoy small group activities based on shared interests over the following days, and to participate in a final networking event at the end of the summer school. 

We also organise bespoke social events – that can include a cookout session or wine (or tea) tasting, depending on your audience.