02RB 2022: Video Training for Research Impact, Academic Engagement and Science Communication

- Lecturer in Work Based Learning – Faculty of Business & Law
- The Open University
- Video 4 Impact – O2RB – 2022
I am the Qualification Lead for the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship programme at The Open University. I joined the OU central academic staff in 2021, having worked in Associate Lecturer and Practice Tutor roles for the University since 2009, and as a Senior Lecturer in Business and Management at Bath Spa University (where I still work as an external examiner). I gained my ESRC funded PhD and MRes at the University of Bath (where I maintain a role as a Visiting Research Fellow), and I have an MBA from INSEAD in France.
Before joining academia I had an extensive career in the consumer goods industry which included developing the launch of vacuum cleaners and washing machines; project managing a sponsor’s on-site presence at the winter Olympic Games in Japan; and working as the UK Marketing Director of a major beauty brand.
My research interests lie in two broad areas. One relates to how organisational contradictions are lived, and the impact those contradictions have on leadership, behaviour and organisation. The other focuses on how individual and collective effectiveness can be improved in the workplace, recognising that each work situation is unique.
I use engaged methods of research, and have a published book chapter on employing an ethnographic methodology within organisational research.
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and have extensive experience of teaching business and management studies across all academic levels, with a particular focus on organisational behaviour, leadership and work based learning.